Centre Church.

One Church family.
On a mission together.


Centre Church is a New Testament church in the heart of downtown Red Deer that exists to love God, love people, and serve the city in Jesus’ name. We believe the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus are central to God’s plan to heal and restore our fallen world, and we can’t wait to be a part of what he’s doing in our Red Deer and beyond.

The Story of Centre Church



Centre Church was born out of Trinity Christian Fellowship, a church that gathered for over 70 years in Red Deer, AB. It’s a Bible-believing community that stands firmly on the shoulders of many faithful believers who laid the foundations that brought us to this point. In 2024, the leadership team sensed a clear call from God to step into a fresh adventure as Centre Church, pressing into all that He wants to do through us.


Centre Church officially launches on Easter Sunday 2025 with a group of around 40 people, asking God to do far more abundantly than we could ever ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). Built on foundations of Word, Spirit, Relationship, and Mission, Centre Church longs to see lives transformed by the wonder of Jesus Christ, rooted in biblical truth and propelled by love for those around them.


We believe that God has given us a vision to see 100 people come to know Jesus by the end of 2030. We’re passionate about seeing believers live out their faith at work and at home, equipping parents to lead their children, and helping our city to draw closer to the ultimate and eternal source of joy and relationship: Jesus Christ.


Dave and Sharaya Betts with their children. Dave is the lead elder at Centre Church Red Deer.

Dave Betts (Lead Elder)

Dave and Sharaya Betts moved to Red Deer in 2020 and have three wonderful children.

Dave began ministry as a worship pastor in 2008, before becoming an associate pastor in 2018 and lead elder in 2021.

He has degrees in Leadership and Management (Open University, UK) and Biblical Studies (Millar College of the Bible), and a Master of Divinity from Okanagan Bible College, where he currently works part-time as an academic advisor.

Dave is also the author of The Church and AI: Seven Guidelines for Ministry on the Digital Frontiers.

  • Brian Barritt


  • Gary Heistad


  • Lois Bos


  • Katie Taylor


Our Beliefs

You’ll find a brief overview of our beliefs here. If you have any questions or we haven’t included something you’d like to know more about, feel free to reach out to us by emailing us at info@wearecentrechurch.ca. We’d love to hear from you!

  • We believe in God the Father, Creator of all things, one eternal God revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God and one true Saviour, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, very God and very man.

  • We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit, that He calls humanity to account regarding sin, righteousness and judgement; that He indwells, empowers and purifies believers, leading them into all truth; that His charismata (gifts of the Holy Spirit) are for believers today and should be exercised by the church according to the guidelines given in Scripture.

  • We believe in the creation, test and fall of humanity as recorded the Bible; that from birth we are spiritually corrupt and therefore totally unable to attain divine righteousness and eternal life.

  • We believe in the Good News; that Jesus Christ suffered and died by crucifixion to pay the penalty for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead three days later; and that He bodily ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father as Lord of all, making intercession for His people.

  • We believe in salvation for sinners, by grace, through faith; that there is no way to receive complete forgiveness and eternal life other than through faith in Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross for our sins.

  • We believe the Bible transcends culture. The Bible is the Inspired and Inerrant Word of God in its original form. God continues to speak through the Bible. The Bibles is the definitive and final revelation, the source of doctrine and the authoritative standard for the Christian Church and for the whole world.

  • We believe that those who accept God’s free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, confirm their acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Lord by public baptism in water by immersion. This is done in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord to the glory of God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) as an act of obedience and expression of our faith and covenant relationship with God.

  • We believe that after death, believers in Christ receive eternal life in the presence of God (heaven), while those who die as unbelievers suffer eternal separation from God (hell).

Promotional image for Vision Nights at Centre Church Red Deer

Join us on the following dates to worship, pray, and be equipped for this new adventure. If you’re interested in seeing who we are and what we’re about, these events aren’t to be missed!

January 22

The Centre

February 12

The Centre

March 9

The Centre

April 9

The Centre

The Alpha Course

April 23, 2025.

Meet new people and explore the Christian faith together. Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. No judgment, no pressure. Each session unpacks a big question of life, faith, and purpose, and is designed to spark conversation. Come along, see what you think!

For more information, email info@wearecentrechurch.ca.

(Note: The course finishes on July 2)

Sign up for Alpha