Partner with Us!
Let’s journey together.
We give as a response to the gift of grace we’ve received from God through Jesus. We don’t give out of obligation or to earn God’s favour—we give as an outpouring of a heart that worships Jesus. Giving is an act of worship that pleases God and increases our faith. As we give generously, our lives are transformed to look more like Jesus. It teaches us to trust God and submit everything to Him because everything we have comes from him. When we give generously, God is glorified, our hearts are transformed, and lives are changed!
As Centre Church, we care deeply about how we steward our finances. Every dollar is used carefully for the flourishing of God’s kingdom and the mission that He’s called us to. That means your gift may go towards the general day-to-day costs of running a church, special events where we bless the community and proclaim the name of Jesus, or to support missionaries near and far and help those in need in our city. Every dollar you give matters in the Kingdom of God.
How to give.
To give using Interac E-Transfer, please send your gift to (available after launch Sunday)
Of course, you can give with cash during our Sunday meetings, too!
Please address any cheques to Centre Church of Red Deer (available after launch Sunday).
Join us on the following evening dates to worship, pray, and be equipped for this new adventure. If you’re interested in seeing who we are and what we’re about, these events aren’t to be missed!
January 22
The Centre
February 12
The Centre
March 9
The Centre
April 9
The Centre
The Alpha Course
April 23, 2025.
Meet new people and explore the Christian faith together. Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. No judgment, no pressure. Each session unpacks a big question of life, faith, and purpose, and is designed to spark conversation. Come along, see what you think!
For more information, email
(Note: The course finishes on July 2)