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For the readers
We understand that not everyone wants to watch videos, so feel free to read transcripts of the videos below:
As Centre Church, we are one small expression of the larger body of Christ and just one church in Red Deer. However, it’s still crucial that we pull in the same direction together – especially as we feel that God is calling us to big things together!
We believe that our mission as a church is simple: to love God, love people, and serve the city in Jesus’ name. Our desire is that everyone who calls themselves a part of Centre Church would be taking some sort of practical steps each week to do each of these things – to love God, love people, and serve the city in Jesus’ name. We believe that this is what it looks like to be fully living out our faith as disciples.
For example, when we gather as the church on Sunday or for prayer meetings, we’re taking time to love God. At our small groups and during the week, we want to make sure we’re loving one another well. It’s our desire that we’d be one of the most loving places in the city of Red Deer – why? Because we believe that nowhere displays love like the church when it’s operating in the fullness of its God-given calling. And from there, we want to get out into the city – serving Red Deer in practical ways and also sharing Jesus with people who are desperately in need of the hope only he can provide. Love God, love people, and serve our city in Jesus name. It’s simple, but it’s so vital.
As we live our our mission to love God, love people, and serve the city in Jesus’ name, we feel God has given us a vision to see 100 salvations by the end of 2030. That’s 100 people declaring Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Now, let me explain what we mean by that: firstly, that doesn’t mean the have to come to know Jesus in our building…that might mean that you lead someone to Jesus in your workplace, or in your neighbourhood, or wherever.
And I also want to be clear that we’re not saying that we want to be a church of 100 people. Of course, that would be great, and we can for sure pray for that, but what we believe God has called us to is to see one hundred people far from God choose to accept Jesus into their hearts. If they choose to come to our church after that, WONDERFUL! But if they all go to other churches in our city, that’s fine! We’re not about building our own kingdom here, we’re about building God’s kingdom. And we’d love for you to join us as we pursue that vision together.
When you’re checking out a church, most people have two questions: who are the leaders and what are they preaching?
Of course, you’re more than welcome to check out our back catalog of legacy sermons from before the relaunch – maybe you already have – but either way, maybe I can tell you a little bit about sermons at Centre Church.
Our mission as preachers is to do all that we can to help you connect with God’s Word – the Bible. We believe that the Bible is wholly relevant to even the most challenging aspects of life today, just as it always has been.
We do everything we can to make the messages engaging, interesting, full of stories, illustrations, and practical applications for you today…but ultimately, we want to honour God’s Word and elevate the name of Jesus.
For those of you who have been attending churches for a long time, we tend to favour what’s often referred to as an expository style of preaching – but we’ll sometimes preach topical sermons when we feel it’s necessary and as long as it’s faithful to the Bible.
Really our desire is this: that you wouldn’t leave talking about how great the speaker was, or how helpful the message was, but instead you’d be celebrating the wonder of the God who loves us more than we can possibly comprehend. We aren’t going to pretend to have all the answers – but we can promise that we’ll never shy from those difficult conversations as we try and figure out the answers to living well together.
Worship is a heartfelt response to God. That means that everything we do FOR the Lord can be considered worship. But often, we tend to think specifically about that time when we come together to sing some songs to Him – this is worship, of course, but just a small part of it.
When we come together as a church on a Sunday, we normally sing together for around thirty minutes. We sing a mixture of old and new songs and hymns; songs you will probably be familiar with. However, what is perhaps a little bit different about our style of worship is that we love to encourage our congregation to share what God is saying to them for the church that morning. There are really two reasons for this: first, because we don’t believe God speaks any more to a chosen few at the front – we believe that God speaks to us all the same if we are willing to listen for his voice. But also, because we want to follow what it says in 1 Corinthians 14:26:
What then, brothers and sisters? Whenever you come together, each one has a hymn, a teaching, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Everything is to be done for building up.
Did you notice that? No, not the tongues part – although we get that it’s easy to be distracted by that. Don’t miss the main point here: whenever we come together, we want our church to be ready to bring what God is putting on their hearts in order to build up the congregation.
Why? Because it’s a literal command of Scripture!
We love that God speaks to all of us.
Another key question you might be asking is, “how will Centre Church serve our kids?”
Serving our kids well is one of our biggest priorities. We strongly believe that church isn’t just a neat and tidy place for adults, but a wonderfully messy place for all generations to grow in their faith. That might mean that there are children making noise and running around and possibly causing havoc in what is often (and unfairly) described as the “main service”, and we love that.
We believe that the church isn’t reaching its fullest potential until we can hear the joyful shouts of little ones zooming around the building. After all, there is no age restriction for the gathering of God’s people.
So as a parent, what can you expect on a Sunday?
Our kids ministry leaders are clearly visible; they’re the ones wearing the bright tshirts.
When you first arrive, you can check in your children, and we’ll help you print labels for your kids and you. We’re passionate about families being able to worship together, so your kids will stay with you for the first few songs. We’ll then let you know when it’s time for them to head into the café area where they’ll play some games, enjoy a snack, sing some fun, age-appropriate, God-focussed songs, and learn all about God together.
Our prayer is that kids wouldn’t just endure church or simply be babysat, but that they would thrive and flourish in their faith while they’re here! And by the way, safety is extremely important to us, so you can be confident that all our kids ministry leaders are background checked, our policies are in place, and there are first aiders in the building to make sure everything runs as smoothly, and safely as possible.
We can’t wait for your little ones to join us!
Holy Spirit
At Centre Church, we believe that the Holy Spirit is actively at work in the lives of Jesus followers today, speaking to us, teaching us, and guiding us.
We believe that the gifts of the Spirit continue today, and we love to allow space in our Sunday gatherings for people to share what they sense that God is saying through them.
In 1 Corinthians 14, the apostle Paul reminds us that the Lord wants us to “eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit”.
We don’t know your background. You might be very nervous at talk of the Holy Spirit, and I get that. There are an awful lot of examples out there where the pursuit of the Holy Spirit has become untethered from the truth of the Bible. However, at Centre church, we are asking the Holy Spirit to move in our gatherings precisely because we passionately believe in the truth of the Bible.
We believe that true moves of the Holy Spirit will never contradict His Word, so we’re seeking powerful moves of God WITHIN the parameters of Scripture. We want to hear what God is saying to us – period.
You might have some questions – we get it. Feel free to email us at if you want to talk more, and we’d love to get back to you.
We believe that God created the world and the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. At that time, they were perfect in the world, but they chose to go their own way, instead of God’s way…which the Bible calls sin. From this moment, the world has been corrupted by the power of sin. And the rightful punishment for sin is death.
That’s a problem.
The Bible teaches us that every single person has sinned and fallen short of the goodness that God has called us to. You only have to look at the world around you to see that. That’s why Jesus – God’s Son – came to earth to live the perfect life (that we couldn’t live) and die for us, taking the punishment that our sin deserved and rising again, conquering the power of both sin and death.
Because of that, when we place our trust and faith in Christ, we can be declared free from sin and enjoy an eternal relationship with God. Jesus says that he is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to the Father except for placing our faith in him alone.
If we want to have a life-changing, transformational, everlasting relationship with the God of the universe who loves us more than we can possibly comprehend, all we need to do is place our trust in him. You can do that right now – and you might find that it helps to pray a simple prayer like this:
Lord, I know I have sinned, and in my own strength, I am not worthy of being in heaven with you. Thank you for sending your son to die for my sins so that I can experience true and everlasting freedom with you – because of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, would you forgive me for all the times I’ve fallen short of the good standards you’ve called me to. I choose to commit my life to you.
There’s no magical formula to this prayer.
It’s all about your heart, and God’s loving kindness and grace.
If you are ready to make that decision to follow Jesus, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email us at to let us know – we can’t wait to celebrate this amazing step with you!
At Centre Church, we don’t believe that baptism is necessary to be saved, but we do believe it’s a crucial part of our journey with the Lord.
We follow in the footsteps of Jesus by being baptized; that’s being fully immersed in water, in a symbolic outward expression of dying to sin and rising again to a life in Christ. This is representative of what has already happened on the inside.
If you would call yourself a follower of Jesus and feel like you’re ready to take the next step in your faith, we’d love to join you in celebrating your baptism. It’s an incredible public declaration of your desire to follow Christ, and if you sense the time is right to take that step, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing or talking to one of our leaders on a Sunday.
Centre Church is a part of the Commission family of churches, a growing international network of like-minded churches all over the world.
Commission is also part of a global movement called Newfrontiers. Although, in many ways, it might be described as a denomination, it’s a little bit different in that these networks are built around relationships rather than hierarchy.
That means that while we are autonomous as a church, we benefit greatly from the wisdom, experience, and input of godly men and women who are passionate about seeing us flourish. In the same way, we get to invest in other churches in Commission which is a wonderful blessing for us, too.
We love being part of the broader move of God in our world!
First Visit?
We know that being a guest at church can be an intimidating experience. However, we want you to know that you are so welcome here, but we’d love to do whatever we can to help in any way to make you feel comfortable when you arrive. Here are a few helpful pieces of information to make visiting as easy as possible:
When you arrive, you’ll be able to park anywhere on the street – don’t worry, it’s totally free on Sundays!
When you come in, you can either head into our sanctuary area or you can make your way into the café, where we have various free hot drinks waiting for you! The toilets are easy to find: they are in between the sanctuary and the café.
Don’t feel like you have to rush out after the meeting finishes, either. We love to stay and chat, and on the first Sunday of every month, we’ll enjoy a potluck meal together too, but there’s no pressure to join us for that either.
Whatever you feel comfortable with. We’re pretty relaxed here!
Join us on the following evening dates to worship, pray, and be equipped for this new adventure. If you’re interested in seeing who we are and what we’re about, these events aren’t to be missed!
January 8
The Centre
February 12
The Centre
March 9
The Centre
April 9
The Centre
The Alpha Course
April 23, 2025.
Meet new people and explore the Christian faith together. Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. No judgment, no pressure. Each session unpacks a big question of life, faith, and purpose, and is designed to spark conversation. Come along, see what you think!
For more information, email
(Note: The course finishes on July 2)