A Primer for Evangelism: The SEEDS Framework (Part 3)

Welcome back to Centre Church’s Evangelism Primer series!

We’ve been exploring what we’ve called the SEEDS framework for evangelism:

  • Study your cultural context

  • Embrace your broader community

  • Extend Christlike love

  • Depend on the Holy Spirit

  • Share your faith (The outcome of the previous four)

In the last two posts, we explored the importance of Studying Our Cultural Context—understanding the values and beliefs of those around us to better share the gospel—and what it means to Embrace Our Broader Community.

Today, our focus is on the step three: Extending Christlike Love.

Why Love is Central to Evangelism

In a world plagued by loneliness, division, and relational dysfunction, genuine love stands out as a radical and transformative force. Jesus’ command to “love your neighbour as yourself” (Matt. 22:39) isn’t just a nice idea—it’s the heartbeat of our mission.

As Christians, we’re called to model Christ’s sacrificial, unconditional love to those around us. This love is the bridge that connects a broken world to the transformative hope of the gospel.

The Relational Crisis in Our World

Today’s culture is experiencing what we might describe as a “relational deficit.” People are lonelier and more isolated than ever, despite being more digitally connected. Factors like the rise of individualism, social media’s influence, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have eroded meaningful relationships. Many are left feeling unseen and undervalued.

This presents a significant challenge for sure—but also a profound opportunity for the Church. By extending Christlike love, we can fill this relational void with the hope, compassion, and connection that our world desperately needs.

Learning from the Good Samaritan

In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate what it means to love our neighbour. While religious leaders passed by a wounded man, a Samaritan—a cultural outsider—showed extraordinary love and compassion by caring for him.

This story teaches us:

  1. Love Requires Action – Genuine love goes beyond words and feelings; it takes tangible steps to help others.

  2. Love Crosses Boundaries – The Samaritan cared for someone culturally and religiously different from himself.

  3. Love Costs Something – The Samaritan gave his time, resources, and energy to help someone in need.

Practical Ways to Extend Christlike Love

  • Start with Small Acts of Kindness – Simple gestures like helping a neighbor, sending an encouraging note, or sharing a meal can make a big impact.

  • Be a Non-Judgmental Listener – Take time to genuinely hear someone’s story without rushing to fix or judge them.

  • Go Above and Beyond – Look for ways to serve others that go beyond what’s expected. For example, mow a neighbour’s lawn or help a coworker with a difficult task.

  • Serve the Underserved – Volunteer at shelters, food banks, or outreach programs. Engage with those who are often overlooked by society.

  • Model Forgiveness and Grace – Extend patience and understanding, even when it’s hard.

Why Extending Love Opens Doors for the Gospel

When we demonstrate Christlike love, we embody the gospel in action. Acts of compassion and service often pave the way for meaningful conversations about faith. People are more likely to listen to the message of Jesus when they’ve experienced His love through us.

Remember, we’re not called to love people as projects but as individuals made in the image of God. Genuine, selfless love plants seeds of faith that God can grow in His timing.

This Week’s Challenge

Reflect on how we can extend Christlike love to those around usthis week:

  • Reach out to someone who might be feeling isolated or forgotten.

  • Perform an act of kindness for a stranger.

  • Volunteer our time or resources to serve those in need.

Pray for God to show us opportunities to love boldly and selflessly. Let our actions reflect the love that Jesus has poured into our own lives.

Need Prayer or Have Questions?
We’d love to connect with you. Email us at info@wearecentrechurch.ca to learn more about our community and how we can support you on your faith journey!


A Primer for Evangelism: The SEEDS Framework (Part 2)