A Primer for Evangelism: The SEEDS Framework (Part 1)
As we prepare to launch Centre Church this Easter Sunday, it’s important that we journey together to explore what it means to share Jesus in today’s ever-changing world. We have a vision to see 100 people come to know Jesus by the end of 2030, and whether you’re a long-time believer or someone curious about faith, our prayer is that this short series of blog posts will encourage you to confidently share your faith in Red Deer.
We find that the acronym “SEEDS” can help in evangelism:
Study your cultural context
Embrace your broader community
Extend Christlike love
Depend on the Holy Spirit
Share your faith (The outcome of the previous four)
Today, we’ll dive into the first step: studying your cultural context.
Why Does Culture Matter in Evangelism?
Imagine preparing to be a missionary in a foreign country. You’d spend time learning their language, customs, and beliefs, right? In many ways, sharing our faith as the church in Red Deer today requires the same approach. While our community may look familiar at first glance, the cultural values and beliefs around us have shifted dramatically in recent decades. Understanding these changes can help us share the gospel in meaningful ways.
Learning from Paul in Acts 17
In Acts 17, the apostle Paul provides a brilliant example of studying and engaging with cultural contexts. While in Athens, Paul observed the idols and altars that filled the city. Instead of condemning the Athenians outright, he used their alter “To an Unknown God” as a starting point to share the gospel (Acts 17:23).
Paul’s approach teaches us two critical lessons:
He Studies the Culture - Paul spent considerable time observing and studying the culture he was in (Acts 17:22-23). When he evangelises, he’s doing so in a culturally relevant way. The way he reasoned with the Jews in the synagogue (Acts 17:17) wasn’t the same as the way he reasoned the Athenians.
By Studying the Culture, He Can Speak Their Language - Paul uses his strong understanding of the Athenian culture as a springboard to sharing the good news of Jesus. He quotes their poets and philosophers, showing respect for their culture while refusing to compromise on the truth. Yes, some ridicule him, which is difficult (Acts 17:32), but importantly, some people joined him and believed (Acts 17:34). That’s what we want to see in our church and in Red Deer!
Understanding Our Culture in Red Deer
Like Athens, Red Deer is home to a diverse mix of beliefs, values, and worldviews. While it was once shaped heavily by Christian influences, today’s culture is increasingly post-Christian. Many people no longer see the Bible as authoritative or even relevant. What do we do with that?
Key questions to ask when studying culture (Adapted from Sam Chan’s book Evangelism in a Skeptical World):
Ask “Who are we?” - What does our cultural setting believe about human identity and purpose?
Ask “Where are we?” - How do people view the world—ordered by God or shaped by chaos?
Ask “What’s wrong?” - What do people believe is broken in the world, and who or what do they blame?
Ask “What’s the solution?” - Where do people look for hope and meaning—politics, relationships, or spirituality?
Practice Ways for the Church to Study Culture in Red Deer
Listen to Stories - Ask friends, coworkers, or neighbours about their backgrounds, beliefs, and struggles.
Engage with Media - Pay attention to popular shows, songs, and news trends. What values do they reflect?
Observe Community Spaces - Spend time at local events, parks, or cafes to see what topics people are passionate about.
Ask Thoughtful Questions - Instead of jumping straight to sharing your beliefs, ask questions that invite conversation.
Why It Matters
Studying our culture isn’t about changing the gospel message—it’s about presenting it in a way that resonates. When we take the time to understand someone’s worldview, we can better show how the hope of Jesus meets their deepest needs. Like Paul in Athens, we want to build bridges, not barriers.
The Challenge
Spend time observing and engaging with your cultural context. Maybe it’s having coffee with a neighbor, asking a coworker about their beliefs, or simply listening closely to people’s concerns. Take notes on what you learn and ask God to show you how to use that knowledge to share His love.
In the next post, we’ll continue this journey through SEEDS of Faith by exploring what it means to Embrace Our Broader Community.
Need Prayer or Have Questions?
We’d love to connect with you. Visit us at Centre Church in Red Deer or reach out online to learn more about our community and how we can support you on your faith journey!
Need Prayer or Have Questions?
We’d love to connect with you. Email us at info@wearecentrechurch.ca to learn more about our community and how we can support you on your faith journey!